Ultimate Performance
Maximum Saving

Every Drop Matters
For the Next Generations

Get one patented CEOMAX Energy Saving Device now, start saving money and saving the earth.

CEOMAX is compatible with;
Diesel Fuel
Natural Gas
Oil Like and More

Ultimate Performance Maximum Saving

Effects of improving efficiency of the internal combustion engine and power performance, increasing horsepower and torque, lengthening the service life of the internal combustion engine and reduce maintenance of engine most importantly does not require any design modification & finally cost saving for their beneficiaries.

Up to 20-50%

About the Product

Sharing my convictions as a man of duty, this will be another challenge beyond my professional activities and my desire to put my inventions, to contribute to the harmonious development and well-being of its population through cooperation in all over the world. We have started with the slogan “Innovations for the Best Future” which is wide renewed focus on innovations. For Consolid Global, innovation is a journey. We are saying all the time that we’re committed to innovation, new ways of thinking and new pathways to growth, solutions for important problems and value creation.

Consolid Global is proud to announce that our WIPO Patent Application for the “CEOMAX New Generation Energy Saving Device” is granted in Intellectual Patent Offices of Russian Federation, The USA, 28 EU member countries including UK, Switzerland and Turkey, Japan, China, South Korea, India, Indonesia and China separately in last days of the year 2019. We are motivated to do things better, to innovate, to provide simple solutions to a global challenge and would like to promote our new and unique “CEOMAX New Generation Energy Saving Device” technology for its beneficiaries worldwide and will start the process of getting technology into the hands of people with the slogan “Ultimate Performance, Maximum Saving”. Two of the greatest ecological concerns the world faces are fuel economy and pollution, particularly polluting emissions from internal combustion engines. The world is beginning to realize that there is not an endless supply of fuel in the earth. As a result, the cost of fuel keeps increasing and the need to conserve fuel has become more important than ever. With the energy shortage reaching worldwide proportions, especially with respect to petroleum- based fuels, the need to burn such fuels efficiently has never been of greater importance.

Prof. Dr. Cengizhan ERYILMAZ / Inventor - Chairman / CEO

CEOMAX enables natural, chemical-free, water softening with effective scale and corrosion control through selective polarization.

Ultimate Performance Maximum Saving

Most emission motor vehicle consists of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen. Unburned hydrocarbon and oxides of nitrogen react in the atmosphere and create smog. Smog is prime cause of eye and throat irritation, noxious smell, plat damage and decreased visibility. Oxides of nitrogen are also toxic. A beneficial result of more efficient combustion is that the fuel is burned more completely so that fewer hydrocarbon waste products are emitted in the exhaust gases. As an innovative ecological Group of Companies, our mission is to bring energy savings and reduce energy consumption of environmentally sustainable businesses & households through the use of the most efficient “free-energy” design behind the “CEOMAX New Generation Energy Saving Device” Technology.

Worldwide Patented Technology

Capture a new dimension in savings with a patented technology registered by the world's leading states.

  • The USA
  • Eu Member Countries
  • United Kingdom
  • Switzerland
  • Russian Federation
  • Turkey
  • China
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • India
  • Indonesia

CEOMAX is an
Onboard Mini Refinery

Our real challenge is to solve the problems occurring in the related old technical solutions via the world’s leading and a new generation latest technology “CEOMAX New Generation Energy Saving Device” which is magical best treating and activating the fluids and gases and which have a simple structure and can activate the fuids by changing the state of the moleculer structure of the water into a state to be easily absorbed into a human body by changing the state of the moleculer structure of the any forms of fuel into a state to be easily burnt, thereby reducing fuel consumption, reducing an emission of pollutants and smoke, lengthening the service life of the internal combustion engine and improving efficiency of the internal combustion engine. CEOMAX enables natural, chemical-free, water softening with effective scale and corrosion control through selective polarization. It also helps Clients looking for the enhancement of combustion efficiency through the change of fuel-to-air ratio by the advanced magic new generation latest technology thus eliminating or reducing exhaust emissions and increasing/improving mileage.

Compatible with All Vehicles

CEOMAX invention has been tested and recommended by numerous testing facilities:

  • The USA
  • Eu Member Countries
  • United Kingdom
  • Switzerland
  • Russian Federation
  • Turkey

Why Do We
Need to Treat the Fuel?

Engines are designed to run on refinery grade fuel. At a time when fuel leaves refinery it is at its purest state. However, if not consumed immediately, hydrocarbon quality deteriorates and biodegrades due to many idle hours spent in storage until finally it is bunkered and burned. Hydrocarbon biodegradation is a naturally occurring process that is caused by fuel interaction with oxygen and water forming various highly stable and thus unreactive benzene ring based derivative (Hydrocarbon Aromaticity) compounds that do not burn well.

If such a fuel as described above is not re-refined again it will lead to poor combustion, resulting in extra fuel consumption, emissions, pollution, and extra unscheduled fuel system maintenance.

Maximum Combustion
Minimum Fuel Consumption

Overall reactivity of the fuel increase greatly which serves and enhance ultimately complete combustion at its optimum value is obtained, hence the rate of reduction in hydrocarbon fuels ranges between (15-50) %

Minimum Fuel Consumption

Up to 15-50%


Maximum Combustion
Minimum Gas Consumption

Overall reactivity of the gas increase greatly which serves and enhance ultimately complete combustion at its optimum value is obtained, hence the rate of reduction in hydrocarbon gas ranges between (15-50) %

Minimum Fuel Consumption

Up to 15-50%


The Manufacturer Provides
10-Year Warranty

It is believed that the unusual low effectiveness of the devices in the market which are currently used by the beneficiaries, will be improved by a new generation simplified,

The CEOMAX ENERGY SAVING DEVICE, which is invented by me and which is a patented technology, is an improved and more effective and efficient device, generally having a nonmagnetic cylindrical shaped brass filled outer complete body, are connected to the pipe line of the vehicles with the inlet port for the entry and outlet port for the leaving of the fluid and gas substances and thus providing an improved more effective and efficient method thus increasing the attraction force to a higher level which is producing very focused but axially thereby uniformly and continuously longitudinal generated powerfull magnetic lines and magnetic field forces thereby maximizes the effectiveness of the very intensive, sufficient and highly improved magnetic impacts as magnetic flux and molecular excitement upon fluids including hydrogen and hydrocarbon molecules as water and more particularly fuels, such as gasoline, gasohol, diesel fuel, kerosene, propane, natural gas, oil like, while passing through the coaxial annular magnetizing chamber, thus moves with a helical turbulent centripetal motion, thus provides changeability of the magnetic field forces which results in a very rapid continuous variation and change in the orientation of the hydrocarbon molecules and creates an extremely violent and frequent movement of the atomic particles, alter atomic construction and organize hydrocarbon molecules and organization and polarization of the hydrocarbon molecules, give them a permanent dipole moment, change their electron spin, organize and polarize random and cluster and break hydrocarbon molecules, convert hydrocarbons to positive ions which would be strongly attracted by would be strongly attracted by the negatively charged oxygen molecules, reduce surface tension, change molecule configuration and weaken intermolecular force, change hydrogen’s isomeric para-hydrogen form to a more volatile (combustible) ortho-hydrogen, aling of the electrons, reducing the noxes reducing energy between ions C-C and C-H, making hydrocarbon groups to polarize and simultaneously to reject, dispersing it into fine particles, break the bonds into small particles and break the particles into finer tiny particles, thus ionically attracting oxygen atoms to the tiny hydrocarbon molecules and creating better oxygen bonding and better fuel oxidation, para-hydrogen is converted in orto-hydrogen, through resonance or magnetic stimulation (change the direction of the spins magnetic moment of hydrogen atoms), thereby through these processes the energy of the atom, and thus serves to minimize the calcium ratio of the fluids as water and enhance ultimately complete combustion at its optimum value is obtained, hence serves to minimize the calcium ratio of the fluids as water and the overall reactivity of the fuel increase greatly which serves and enhance ultimately complete combustion at its optimum value is obtained, hence the rate of reduction in hydrocarbon fuels ranges between (30-50) %, and the rate of reduction in exhaust gas components (CO, HC) ranges between (60-90) %, effects of improving efficiency of the internal combustion engine and power performance, increasing horsepower and torque, lengthening the service life of the internal combustion engine and reduce maintenance of engine most importantly does not require any design modification & finally cost saving for their beneficiaries.

All of the above ultimately results into immediate Operating Cost Reductions, Fuel Savings, Reduced Emissions while in the long term extending the initial capital investment lifetime thus improving the overall business margins, and the return on the investment (ROI). The device can be fitted to all types of internal combustion engines, and boilers whatever the fuel type or form. Works with diesel, petrol, gas, multiple, hybrid, it does not alter the manufacturers engine characteristics. The device is mechanical and it is not necessary to change any part and no need maintenance and under optimum usage conditions 10 years guaranty is given by the manufacturer.

The investment could be compensated between 1 month up to maximum 6 months period according to the beneficiary’s optimum usage. The energy manufacturing companies and energy distributor companies will be able to protect their future market to be sustainable due to the environment protection effect and economic solution effect. Savings of the government’s will be like minumum %30 and will able to be used for other kind of urgent investments for their nations.

All persons and animals which our friends will be able to survive their lives in a clean and unpoluted environment. Beneficiaries of the energy users should not be obliged to buy expensive solutions and will be able use their current vhecicles, boilers, yacts, vessels, ect. Without investing for expensive zero emission ones.


Bellevuestr. 1
10785 Berlin, DEUTSCHLAND

49 152 0444 0111


Antalya Port Free Trade Zone
4 str. 17 07070

90 242 290 25 55
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